Excellence of Yacht agency services in Aqaba
Recently we said good-bye to the luxury, multi-award winning, Yacht SAVANNAH leaving Aqaba port. As Aqaba port agents...
Cooperation with World Bank Group- Study on Women's Empowerment
Amin Kawar And Sons (AKS) is delighted to be chosen by the World Bank Group as a case study for their ongoing project exploring the business case for women’s employment in Jordan. The project is part of the Women’s Economic Empowerment Plan of the Mashreq Gender Facility– a joint initiative of the Jordanian government and WBG – and will be carried out by Ergon Associates.
During the study, AKS has shared their forward- thinking initiatives that support flexible work and family-friendly practices, Gender Diversity Policy (Click to view) and the outcomes of the successful cooperation achieved in 2018 with the GIZ/EconoWin programme.
These initiatives resulted in highly satisfying results in a 2019 engagement survey, where 90% AKS employees in Amman and Aqaba answered that they see themselves working at Amin Kawar and Sons for the next five years and, 98% of employees would recommend AKS as a great place to work in.
The study includes a wide range of statistics data about AKS, and multiple meetings and focus groups discussing our employee’s perspective and satisfaction, in addition to sharing success stories of women and men who were supported and developed, enabling them to retain a successful career at AKS.